Accueil > International > Erasmus > Référentiel du BTS Gestion de la PME

U1 - Culture générale et expression (Coef 4)


All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Understanding and producing a written message :
- Respecting the constraints of written language
- Synthesising information: faithfulness to the meaning of the documents, accuracy and precision in understanding and relating them, relevance of the information, etc.
choices made according to the problem posed and the issue at hand, consistency of production
- Giving a reasoned response to a question asked in relation to the documents proposed for reading.

Oral communication:
- Adapting to the situation: mastering the constraints of time, place, objectives and adapting to the recipient, choosing appropriate means of expression, taking into account the attitude and questions of the interlocutor(s)
- Organising an oral message: respect for the subject, internal structure of the message